Travel: A Day on the Bay, countdown to retirement…

John and I, along with our hosts and a few of John’s coworkers were invited to a day on the Bay recently in advance of John’s retirement next week.

It was one of those perfect days on the San Francisco bay, high 70s, clear skies and light winds.  Great conversations, good food and lots of laughter.  A good time by all.


Guest of Honor

Our Host, Captain KEN!
Sausalito Harbor
The Golden Gate
Ricardo at the helm.
First Mate Bo, under full sail.
Alcatraz, The Rock
Checking out the Bay Bridge.
Checking out the Bay Bridge.
Coit Tower and the Wharf
The City!
The City!

(All photos: JimJohn)

5 thoughts on “Travel: A Day on the Bay, countdown to retirement…”

  1. Congratulations on your upcoming retirement. Now you will have more time to watch movies and travel!! (you get 26 hours per day when you retire)
    Love to you both,

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