Travel: SF to Wisconsin, Day 3: Salt Lake City, UT to Casper, Wyoming

Greetings from Casper, Wyoming!  What a day.  We traveled 449 miles today.  A chilly morning was tempered with clear sunny weather.  By contrast, most of the day was driving on I-80.  There were at least three major construction projects, most spanning many miles of one lane traffic at slow speeds.  Augh! (BTW, this was true for Nevada as well.  Also of note, we did not see one worker either day.)

Nonetheless, it was a wonderful day.  The farther away from home we get the more remote and expansive the scenery becomes.  We are reminded what a beautiful country we live in.

Tonight we spend in Casper, 120 miles north of I-80.  This afternoon we explored the downtown area and were impressed how well preserved and active it was, including three old movie theaters still in use.

We are looking forward to the next 2 days.  We will spend less time driving and more time exploring the monuments near and around Rapid City, South Dakota.

Here are some of the pictures we like most from today.

A lake in the mountains just outside of Park City, Utah.

A wind farm on the high plains of Wyoming and Wasatch Mountains in Utah beyond.

A cabin dating to another era.

So many beautiful rock formations.
The road to Casper went through varied landscapes both beautiful and vast.


4 thoughts on “Travel: SF to Wisconsin, Day 3: Salt Lake City, UT to Casper, Wyoming”

  1. Love reading about your “road trip”. Reminds me of both the wonderful driving trips I did last summer! Indeed we do live in a beautiful country and best to see it by car and on foot. Most of all, explore those back roads! Amazing finds!

  2. You were in my old skiing places. I haven’t seen them without snow since I was a kid on a bicycle trip cross country the summer before I entered college. It wasn’t ALL by bike. We traveled across Canada from Montreal to Calgary In a converted Pullman car….a group of teenagers…for a week! Now THAT was an experience!

    How many more days of facing road construction without any construction workers??

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