Wisconsin Lake House: What a difference a day makes!

Greeting to all!.  Today is our fifth day since our arrival at our family lake house in Wisconsin.  John and I have been settling in on our own until now.  Today we met with dear friends for brunch, Susie and Gary from Minneapolis.  What fun it was to meet old friends and get caught up on all things of interest.

Susie and Gary, Southern India, 2016

Today I must report on the last 24 hours.  Yesterday about this time, the sky darkened and slowly became windy and thunderous.  It lasted for hours, wave after wave of downpours.  (This is something common to Midwest residents but non-existent to West Coast folks like us.)

Late afternoon clouds are heavy in the sky.
The winds grow stronger.
Note the wooded peninsula is lost in the storm. Some of the heaviest rains. Note the leaf side of the tree is shaped by strong winds.

Fast forward 18+ hours :  still no power.  This is a problem, that means, no water (well water requires a pump!), no water for sewage (that requires water too!). Torrential rains overnight and this morning means excessive water requires sump pump to deliver excess water away from the house (that requires power again).

As a side bar, the gardeners yesterday excavated an old suffering garden and replaced it with new soil and fresh seed only 30 minutes before the storm hit.  Today they came back to fix the damage.  Awesome tradesmen.

During storm.
Today landscapers heal the damaged baby grass area.

Now, I can report the power has been restored.  Most household systems have been restored and all but the garage opener are functioning as normal.  So has the image outside our window, a pristine blue lake with glorious sunshine and a beautiful horizon.

What will tomorrow bring?!  We send best wishes to you all!


2 thoughts on “Wisconsin Lake House: What a difference a day makes!”

  1. Awesome! The shot of the distorted tree tells it all! What irony that the garden had been put in just minutes before the storm hit. Bad karma! It is a beautiful spot, both during and after the storm.

    I forgot that Susie and Gary are from that area!


  2. Mother Nature at her finest. Other than the inconvenience to being “powerless” I rather like to be in that experience. Having lived in Deerfield, Illinois many years ago I still remember the Midwest summer tornado season and the frantic winter snows. Might consider the purchase of a huge generator. Bet you visit with Gary and Susan was a hoot. Gary has such a keen sense of humor and seemed to keep us all in a mischievous mood. Hope all is well. Cheers, Nanci

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