Travel: Christmas Eve 2017, Wisconsin

Christmas greetings to everyone!  It is Christmas Eve in Wisconsin.  It is our first Winter Christmas at the lake house.  The temperatures are below freezing and there is light snow on the ground.  The lake ice is already thick enough for ice skating and winter sportsmen are already staking out space for fishing.

We received some feedback requesting more photos of John and I, so we will be adding more personal photos whenever practical.

In the meantime, we are enjoying the winter scenery and hope you will too.

Happy Holidays to all!


Sunrise on a chilly morning.
A bright but chilly afternoon.
The bird bath is closed for the season.
Dinner at Zesti, Hartland, WI. Front Left to right: Howard, Kay, Lucy, Jim, John, Jennifer, William, and Matthew
The house from the lake.
Granddaughter Lucy and Grandma Kay preparing traditional stuffed artichokes.
Grandson William and Grandpa Howard in the den.
Matthew taking a snooze.
John in a rare example of manual labor.

8 thoughts on “Travel: Christmas Eve 2017, Wisconsin”

  1. Looks like you guys are having a blast.

    When I lived in cold country, I always loved shoveling snow. Go figure.

    Have fun and we’ll see you when you get home.

    Merry Christmas from all of us here in SF!

    John, Julie and Linda

  2. Way to go, Jim (solving snow)! I remember stuffed artichokes made by a boyfriend’s Italian mother back in the 1970’s. Lucy is luck to learn from a master. Would love to see more photos “yous twos” whenever possible. Enjoy your family and your amazing house. Merry Christmas!

  3. Jim and John, as always we enjoy your notes and pictures. How wonderful to be in Wisconsin and see these glorious Christmas scenes from inside your home. Looks cozy and delightful to be surrounded by family. Our warmest wishes to all for a joyful Christmas and for a peaceful 2018.
    love, Eleanor and David

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