Travel: Paris Walk

We woke up to chilly morning sunshine and decided to explore the city of light with a walk.  We hopped on the #68 bus from the Bastille Opera House to the Eiffel Tower where we would start our walk.

Angel atop the massive bronze column in front of the Bastille Opera House.
Eiffel Tower through the trees.

We wandered through the shopping neighborhoods, Rue Saint Dominique near the Effiel Tower and the Esplanade des Invalides.

As the noon hour neared, lunch was on our mind.  And near by was an old favorite, L’Ami Jean, 27 Rue Malar, 75007 Paris (Reservations 0147058689). It has been several years since our last visit.  We were pleased to see its become quite popular with travel writers and food critics and we were able to be seated without a reservation.  Lunch was excellent.

Time for more walking.  We made our way over to where Paris all began, Ile de la Cite.  It was like visiting an old friend.  Notre Dame never looked better.

Notre Dame from the sunny side of the afternoon.
Saints climbing a staircase to heaven.
Small neighborhoods near Notre Dame.

Just north is the Hotel de Ville (City Hall)

Heavy winter rains caused flooding in Paris recently.  The waters have receded somewhat but many roads and walking paths are still under water.

Look closely at the bottom of the photo and you can see the road under water.
Ile St. Louis with stairways to the Seine River.

Note:  our total walk was just over 5 miles.  Time for wine!








One thought on “Travel: Paris Walk”

  1. Jim, you matched the decor in front of the restaurant L’ Amis de Jean. Is that a lot of down in your puffy jacket………..or, or, OR is that you?? Nice pics. Nice walk! The high water is amazing. I was there on September 25th and everything was normal.

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