Movies: 7 Days in Entebbe, A Wrinkle in Time, Annihilation

7 Days in Entebbe

This film reflects the true events of the 1976 hijacking of an Air France flight from Tel Aviv to Paris via Athens with 250 passengers on board.  It landed in Entebbe, Uganda.  The militant highjackers wanted to draw attention to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict at the time.

The acting varies from fair to middling.  Rosamund Pike is inconsistent as a lead highjacker.  Daniel Bruhl is more convincing as her boy friend.  Eddie Marsan is convincing as Shimon Peres and Lior Ashkwnazi is excellent as Yitzhak Rabin.  Nonso Anozie has a bit part as Idi Amin.

Unfortunately many of the real facts are missing in this version of events.   For example, this film suggests the Jewish passengers were segregated from the other passengers.  Historical fact shows most of the French Jewish passengers were released.  That said, most of the connections to today’s Israeli politicians are correct.


A Wrinkle in Time

This film has benefited from extensive marketing and the Disney production machine.  Much to our surprise both audiences and critics have been tepid with their enthusiasm.

We liked the film, a lot!  The acting was consistently good.  The story was true to its roots.  The messages were universal and uniquely appropriate.  The surprises were inventive, the flow was just about right.

The headline actors were all well cast.  Oprah Winfrey was amazing as Mrs. Which.  Reese Witherspoon was a hoot as Mrs. Whatsit.  Mindy Kaling was perfect as Mrs. Who.  Chris Pine is great as the missing Dad,  Gugu Mbatha-Raw is superb as the Mom.

The children played essential roles including Storm Reid (sister), Livi Miller (classmate) and Deric McCabe (little brother).  There were easily 2 dozen other roles rounding out the cast.

The film is rated PG for thematic elements and some peril.  That said, overall the story is uplifting with a couple of brief scenes less than ideal for young children.  That also said there was a good sized group of elementary school children in the theater (10 to 12 year old) that seemed riveted throughout.

The genre is listed as Action & Adventure, Drama, Kids & Family, Science Fiction & Fantasy.  It runs two hours.  It will be interesting to see if the next Oscars remember this film for special effects, costume, make up, and other technical categories.



We finally had the chance to see this film.  Oh my!  What an innovative and intriguing concept.  Some form of alien entity creates a “settlement” of sorts on earth where their “evolution” slowly begins.

It is visually stunning, often quite confusing, psychologically intense and gorgeous at the same time.

The acting is impressive.  Natalie Portman takes the lead as the biologist.  Benedict Wong plays the scientist.  Gina Rodriguez plays one of the soldiers on a dangerous expedition investigating the scene.  Tessa Thompson also plays a soldier.  Oscar Isaac plays the husband and soldier.  Jennifer Jason Leigh plays Dr. Ventress.  Tuva Novotny plays another investigating soldier.  There are another two dozen actors contributing to the script.

On the down side, the plot is difficult to follow.  On the up side, it is new and unique film making.   It is rate R for violence, bloody images, language and some sexuality.  The genre is listed as Action & Adventure, Drama, Science Fiction & Fantasy.  It runs two hours.


6 thoughts on “Movies: 7 Days in Entebbe, A Wrinkle in Time, Annihilation”

    1. Hi Steve! NO we do not double dip! But we do $5 Tuesdays and use our senior discount everywhere possible. And yes we are frequent movie cardholders for more than one chain so we take advantage of those benefits whenever possible. Hi to Anne! We are still off an hour or two, should be OK by Monday!

      1. We are AMC stub members ans love the Tuesday deals as well

        Off to Portland on Thursday

        Have a happy Easter !

  1. Hi your reviews keep me up to date even though we do not get out so I know what to watch when available on Netflix

  2. Your reviews keep me up to date since we do not get out much I know what to see on Netflix when available

  3. Steve & I were in NZ when A Wrinkle in Time was being filmed. Of course they never revealed where they were filming ever but we may have stumbled upon one site (there was a big hubbub) as our bus zoomed by. The country is SO photogenic!

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