Movies: Bad Samaritan, Truth or Dare, Disobedience

Bad Samaritan

We hadn’t paid much attention to this film until we read a good review from our home town SF Chronicle.  We generally disagree with its reviews.  Nonetheless, yesterday we found ourselves the only ones in very nice theater in Menomenee Falls, WI.

The story is pretty messed up.  Parking valets engage in petty theft and see things they should not see.  The bad guy is nuts.  The police are clueless…

The acting isn’t half bad.  David Tennant is chilling as the bad guy.  Robert Sheehan’s character, or his friend played by Carlito Olivero, are not the sharpest guys.  Kerry Condon is the victim.  Lisa Brenner is the girlfriend.  There is lots of tension and angst.  The last scene is quite good.

The reviews have not been complementary.  It is rated R for violence, language, drug use and brief nudity.  It is absolutely not appropriate for children.  The genre is noted as a Drama/Thriller running 107 minutes.


Truth or Dare

This film is odd, creepy, intense and not the Truth or Dare from our young adult days.  The rules are simple: tell the truth or die, do the dare or die, if you stop playing you die.  Doesn’t that sound like a lovely plot?!

Six college students and close friends begin the game in Mexico and quickly realize the danger they are in.  Lucy Hale, Tyler Posey, Violett Beane, Sophia Taylor Ali, Landon Liboiron and Hayden Szeto play the core characters.

It is rated PG-13 for violence and disturbing content, alcohol abuse, some sexuality, language and thematic material.  It is listed as Horror, Mystery Suspense, Science Fiction & Fantasy (pick any combination of your liking).  It is not at all suitable for children.  The run time is 1 hour 43 minutes.



This film explores the rare but restrained Jewish territory where mutual female attraction shatters the boundaries of faith and sexuality.

The film is an intense peek at a thought provoking and sophisticated topic. The collateral fallout impacts a Jewish community, its patriarchal leaders and their community.

The cast is superb.  Rachael McAdams, Rachel Weisz, Alessandro Nivola, Anton Lesser, Alexis Zegerman and Allen Corduner round out the lead characters.

It is rated R for strong sexuality.  It is not suitable for children.  It is noted as a Drama, Romance.  The run time is 1 hour, 54 minutes.


3 thoughts on “Movies: Bad Samaritan, Truth or Dare, Disobedience”

  1. One out 0f three sounds interesting! Thanks for sitting through all the bad ones for the rest of us!

  2. Do not get to the movies very often but so good to know what is going on in movie land and the choices we may have

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