Travel: Pisa, Italy

A BIG HI to everyone!  We finished our cruise yesterday and will be traveling on our own again until next week.

We had a good time, made some new friends and enjoyed time with some existing friends, that’s always fun!

Our last photo from Naples on the ship was Mt. Vesuvius. We have never seen the top…Oh well.

We took the train to Pisa, a destination we have not visited in over 30 plus years.  My it has changed!  The crowds aren’t quite as huge as Rome or Florence but they are not far from it!  Nonetheless, we had a great day getting reacquainted.

Two big observations: first, the Italian train system is massively upgraded.  High speed trains seem to be readily, and affordable, available in and to most major cities whisking travelers around at relatively low costs.

Next, food quality and availability is much better now than it was just a few years ago.  We have been talking to the hotel staff, other travelers and quick checks on the internet (readily available virtually everywhere so far).

OK…enough of that!  Here are some photos from yesterday.  Enjoy,  J&J

The massive image of the fallen angel was new to us. It was touching and poignant at the same time.
Our first look at the site in 30+ years.
The Cathedral and the tower from another perspective.
The gorgeous Baptistry.
The facade of the Cathedral.

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