The Third Wife

This film is set in 19th century rural Vietnam where the wealthy landowner marries his third wife, a 14 year old named May. The goal is to bear a male child for her husband and gain status.
Much of this film is visually stunning. That said, it’s also often confusing and without explanation. That also said, it is the unspoken nuances that are intriguing and make this movie so interesting. We think this film is worth seeking out. It’s a fascinating peek into the past. Vietnamese with English subtitles.

All is True

Here is another audience worthy production featuring Kenneth Branagh as an aging William Shakespeare who returns home to resume the family activities as his fame and fortune transition in his senior years.
It’s a wonderful film with exceptional acting, a rare peek behind the curtain. The viewers will need to decide for themselves if “all is true” or not.

Dark Phoenix

Dark Phoenix is indeed dark! The unity we’ve come to expect begins to melt. Trust begins to dissolve. Powerful unknown forces threaten the X-Men world as we know it. The scenes become quite intense and destructive.
We were surprised to see some young children in attendance. Even though the film is rated PG-13, we do not recommend this for young children.
Special Note: The X-men series, part of 21st Century Fox, was one of the most innovative and successful franchises for almost 20 years. When Disney acquired most of Fox’s assets as part of a $71.3 billion package, everything changed. Time will tell the future of the X-men product.
The first two sound interesting. I can easily run very far from the x-men series films. Yuck!