Travel: Calaveras Big Trees State Park, California

We recently spent a weekend with Jeff and Wendy, long time friends of ours. They invited us to their mountain home near the small town of Arnold, near Angels Camp at the 5,000 foot level of the Sierra Nevada Mountains.

It’s a bucolic setting with endless rivers, streams, hiking and magnificent forests and scenery.

A high point of our visit was an afternoon strolling the Calaveras Big Trees State Park, home to one of the largest stands of giant sequoia redwood trees, many dating as old as 2,000 years.

Some of these trees are over 325 feet tall and some have trunks 33 feet in diameter. The Park is popular in good weather. It’s visitor friendly, children friendly and there are ADA facilities throughout.

The Sequoiadendron giganteum forest
Jeff, John and Rueben
Alpine lake
Taking a break.
Wendy, a great host, and awesome chef.
Afternoon in a peaceful setting.
Cocktails and snacks Sierra Style!
One of the grandest old Sequoias may be 20 centuries old.

8 thoughts on “Travel: Calaveras Big Trees State Park, California”

  1. Looks amazing…another thing to add to the bucket list! You guys still need to make a Detroit area trip one of these days!

  2. Outstanding! What more can I say than to echo all those comments above. Thank you for wonderful photography!

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