Movies: Brahms The Boy II, The Call of the Wild, The Invisible Man

Movie 1: Brahms The Boy II, 

If you saw the first film…forget the plot and story, it’s much a do about nothing for Boy II.  This film is pretty heavy handed with lots of tense moments and misleading, albeit still scary but underwhelming, scenes.


Movie 2: The Call of the Wild

Here’s a film almost everyone will enjoy.  It’s a wonderful book to movie production based on the 1903 classic by Jack London.  It’s a merger of classic and computer generated images (CGI).  The result is a charming story about a man and dogs.  Some of whom are both good and not so good. 



Movie 3: The Invisible Man

Here’s a a pretty good remake of  the TV Series The Invisible Man from our childhood.  It’s based on the original novel by H. G. Wells.  (How could it not be good?!)

This rendition is concurrently scary, creepy, haunting and more than eerie!  Fasten your seat belt for this one.




One thought on “Movies: Brahms The Boy II, The Call of the Wild, The Invisible Man”

  1. I saw Call of tue the Wild. Loved it. Not a fan of horror movies. Won’t see the other two. Thanks again for taking the time and rule those out for me.

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