Movies: The Hunt, Hope Gap, First Cow

Greetings to all!

We are sending this edition of movie reviews from our home in San Francisco. We were notified today by the Mayor of San Francisco that ALL city residents are required to “Shelter in Place” due to the Coronavirus.   This means do not leave your home except to go to work, purchase groceries, go to pharmacies or doctor appointments.

Additionally, the six adjacent Bay Area counties are following suit.  That will impact over 7 million people!!  More details later…

Here are the last few movies we have seen.  All good and all worth a watch.  We send our best wishes to everyone.  We’ll keep in touch as time and events allow!


Movie 1:  The Hunt

How timely?!  This is a gruesome satire about the American reality.  It is simultaneously violent and loathsome.  Frankly…it’s overwhelming and ruthless.

It’s a little too close for comfort to our thinking.  Yes, it’s a satire and a social commentary on the current state of affairs.  It’s also unique, brilliantly crafted and loaded with timely messages.  Hillary Swank is pure genius in her lead role.


Movie 2: Hope Gap

Wow!  This is an outstanding film.  Annette Bening and Bill Nighy give exceptional performances in this story set in rural England.  The film has been collecting accolades from the international film circuit.

Our advice?!  It’s not to be missed.  It’s melancholy, sensitive, painfully powerful.  We strongly recommend it.


Movie 3:  First Cow

Set in the Oregon Territory during the gold rush.  At the time the primary livelihoods were fur trappers.  This film delivers its story slowly giving the viewer just the right amount of time to contemplate the location, conditions and cast of characters.  Beautifully filmed.





3 thoughts on “Movies: The Hunt, Hope Gap, First Cow”

  1. I’m glad you got out to see First Cow. It was high up on my list, but it looks like now I’ve missed my opportunity. I doubt it will still be on when the Shelter in Place is lifted.
    I also liked Hope Gap. The reviewers said it was not as good as Marriage Story, but I liked it much better.

  2. Stay safe guys! Bob and I just flew into Toronto last night from Lisbon and are now self-quaranteed for 2 weeks. Luckily, our daughter bought us a van full of food– good thing, because our fridge was bare! We had a fabulous trip in Portugal but now, reality has set in. What crazy times we live in!
    Kisses to you both!

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