WOW! It’s quite rare to enjoy a week with THREE films!! All Netflix films, all riveting, all powerful, all instant classics! Enjoy!! J&J
P.S. Please vote. Thanks if you have already done so.
Movie 1: Rebecca

This film is based on the Daphne du Maurier novel with overtones of Alfred Hitchcock… It boasts a great cast, a retro vibe and classic contrast between the 1940s and 2020. Beautiful sets and cinematography. Don’t miss it!

Movie 2: The Exception

This period romance is also a war drama featuring Christopher Plummer and an impressive supporting cast. It’s a riveting production with filled with history, a bit of nudity and brief violence.

Movie 3: The Eichmann Show

It’s the story of the four month long trial of Nazi Adolf Eichmann in 1961 Jerusalem for war crimes. The “behind the scenes” true story is riveting and exhausting. It’s set one year after Eichmann was apprehended from Argentina.
‘Impressed that you gave all high ratings. I recall the first Rebecca film many years ago. It was one of the best of all time. The story is fascinating, I read the book on which it was based. Loved it!
Somehow you keep finding good films to watch online! You do the searching/researching for us. Thank you.
Some winners! Thanks!
Already voted before I left for Ohio.