Movie 1: Death to 2020

It’s listed as a ‘Mockumentary’ (it’s unclear if that is a real word or not). That said, it is the cast that makes this film work! Samuel Jackson, Hugh Grant, Lisa Kudrow, Tracy Allman and Samson Kayo are the headliners.
Overall, it’s dark humor and a fitting reflection on a horrid year overall.

Movie 2: Unknown

Surprisingly enough we first saw this film when it was released into “real theaters” 10 years ago (2011). It’s current release by Netflix is the original film. It’s a drama, mystery. Overall it’s well done and worthy of your time if you missed it last decade.

Movie 3: Bridgerton: Season 1 (8 Part Netflix Series)

This 8 part Netflix mini series is set during the Regency era in England. It’s a fascinating look at a time in history that most of us know little about. That said, this film is focused on the lives of the Royal aristocracy. It takes a light hand compared to the history books. Nonetheless it is well worth watching.
LOVED Bridgerton! Plan to watch again to concentrate on the costumes and sets – really spectacular.
Death to 2020 was fun – Hugh Grant almost unrecognizable.
Nice to hear about Unknown – will watch.
Happy New Year to you both!