Movie 1: Wolf

This film was released in December 2021. It’s a horror film that is rated R for Nudity, Language, Sexuality and Abusive Behavior. It’s an odd premise where young adults with personality disorders project animal like behavior. It’s pretty grisly. Thank goodness it only runs for 90 minutes. That said some critics are calling it a timeless classic. We suggest do not waist your time.

Movie 2: Lunana: A Yak in the Classroom

Here’s something worthy of watching! It’s a Drama/Adventure with a run time just under two hours. It’s a 2020 film release. It’s set in a remote Bhutanese school. It’s a charming story about a dream to visit Australia. Yes a bit odd but the drop dead gorgeous Himalayas settings are fabulous. Dzongkha (Bhutan) with English subtitles.

Movie 3: Belle

Here is an intriguing animation film from Japan. Much to our surprise it’s rated PG but be aware the content varies from Adventure, Anime, Fantasy, Romance to a Musical. Surprisingly enough it is based on the Beauty and the Beast Fairy Tale. Run time is 1 hour, 31 minutes. Japanese with English subtitles.