Movie 1: The King’s Daughter

This film is rated PG. There is some violence and suggestive material. King Louis the 14th manages to capture a mermaid with magic powers. Some critics are calling it a phenomenal film. It’s listed as a magic fantasy adventure. It’s a charming period film that’s likely to become a modern classic. Run time is 90 minutes.

Movie 2: Rifkin’s Festival

Here’s another film with a lot going on! It’s listed as a Comedy but its so much more. Beautiful cinematography of San Sabastian Spain and its famous film festival. Some strong language, a bit of sexual material, a bit of drug use. Add a couple of affairs and 90 minutes will fly by! Thanks Woody Allen!

Movie 3: The Velvet Queen

This film is especially worthy of its audience! The run time is only 92 minutes but this Documentary is guaranteed to overwhelm audiences with rare footage of Tibetan Snow Leopards in their natural high mountain environment. French with English subtitles.