No Escape, The Last Rider, The Procurator

Movie 1: No Escape

This is a 2015 action thriller that is very, very well done. An expat takes his family to Southeast Asia for a new job. The next day a violent coup erupts. This movie is very intense as the family fights for survival. On Netflix.


Movie 2: The Last Rider

This documentary chronicles the life of American cyclist Greg LeMond. And tells the story of the 1989 Tour De France, arguably the greatest cycling race in history. We knew nothing about the athlete or the sport and found this movie very informative and entertaining.


Movie 3: The Procurator

This is a Chinese crime drama with several twists and turns. The chief prosecutor finds herself in the middle of a shocking national crime and rushes to solve it. The look and feel of this movie are very professional and well done. Our only complaint is that the English subtitles flew by. They were so fast we literally missed a third of the movie. Mandarin with very fast English subtitles.


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