Movie 1: Fallen Leaves
This is a critically acclaimed Finnish psychological drama where two lonely people have a chance meeting, and then try and meet again. And again. And again. Even though this film is getting rave reviews, nominations and awards we found it confusing. And as a friend of ours said “slow as molasses.” Finnish with English subtitles. In theatres, no streaming available.
Movie 2: The Iron Claw
This is a film we really wanted to like more than we did. The cast and acting are very good. Based on a true story of a Texas wrestling family and their triumphs and demons. But after the first half hour, the movie just seemed to blend together and fall apart. In theatres now and HBO Max in March 2024.
Movie 3: The Valhalla Murders
This is a 9-part Netflix limited series. Brutal murders stun and paralyze Iceland. Set in modern day Reykjavik it is loosely based on several 1940 murders. We found this a very entertaining drama. Each episode is about 50 minutes. In Icelandic, but we watched the dubbed English version.
Merry Christmas to you both. I’m disappointed about the Iron Claw. It looked promising. I’ll watch The Valhalla Murders on your recommendation. Thanks and have a great holiday.